Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hello to all

Thanks to all my sweet friends that encouraged me to begin a blog. I finally did it and now I am blogging, I know, it is so exciting! My blog site tittle pretty much sums up my life, I am just a mom who is trying very hard to let her four kids and others see Jesus shining in her life. However, I don't always obtain this goal. Case in point, just a few short days ago the kids and I were having a tough day, week. It seemed that their mission was to make my eye twitch and my mission was to make it throught the day without blowing a gasket. Well, the kids mission was accomplished and my mission crashed and burned when I came into the living room after hearing counting. I entered the living room just in time to see our oldest son, age 9, leaping from the school table that he was standing, not sitting, but standing on, and our youngest son, age 3, jumping from the couch and barely miss each other in mid air. Say it with me now, Emergency Room Here we come. So I, in a very mommy voice say "EVERBODY FREEZE!" So now I have four sets of eyes looking at me, and I know I have their attetion, so I begin:" What are y'all thinking, all day you have been pushing me closer to the edge of my losing my cool. I am trying very hard to be kind, but I am about to lose my cool." To this our very funny 3 year old says: "If mommy doen't fall off the edge I am going to say Phew, that was close." Needless to say, we all started laughing, and I sensing I have just lost the battle, sent all to thier bedrooms for some "regrouping" time.

Hey, I know when I am defeated, it is very hard to laugh, cry and twitch at the same time.

The moral of the story: If God has givien you a natuarlly funny kid, be careful when using word pictures unsupervised.

In Christ,

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